Latest version.
  • Whether you have just joined our staff or have been at The City of Kotzebue for a while, we are confident that you will find this to be a rewarding place in which to work, and we look forward to a productive and successful relationship. We consider the employees of The City of Kotzebue to be one of its most valuable resources. This policy manual has been written to serve as the guide for the employer/employee relationship.

    There are several things to keep in mind about this manual. First, it contains only general information and guidelines. It is not intended to be comprehensive or to address all the possible applications of, or exceptions to, the general policies and procedures described. for that reason, if you have any questions concerning eligibility for a particular benefit or the applicability of a policy or practice to you, you should address your specific questions to your supervisor or department head. Neither this policy manual nor any other company document confers any contractual right, either express or implied, to remain in the City's employ. Nor does it guarantee any fixed terms and conditions of your employment. No supervisor or other representative of the City (except the City Manager) has the authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time or to make any agreement contrary to the above.

    The procedures, practices, policies and benefits described here may be modified or discontinued from time to time. We will try to inform you of any changes as they occur.

    Some subjects described in this handbook may also be included in other official city documents or department operation procedures. Refer to these documents for specific information as this manual does not outline each department's specific guidelines and policies specifically.

    Lastly, the terms of the written insurance policies are controlled by plan documents and shall override any statements made to the contrary in this or other documents.


    Derek Martin
    City Manager, Kotzebue