§ 2.52.510. Canvass by council.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    On the first Monday after an election city council shall meet and canvass all election returns. The canvass may be postponed, for cause, from day to day.


    The canvass of all election returns shall be made in public by opening the returns and tallying the number of votes cast for each candidate, and for and against each proposition voted upon at such election. The result of the election shall be publicly declared by the council, and entered upon the public records of such meeting. The records thereof shall show:


    The number of votes cast in such election;


    The names of the persons voted for;


    The proposition voted upon at such election;


    The offices voted for and the number of votes cast for each candidate and the number of votes cast for and against each proposition at such election.

(Prior code § 5.05.380).